Thursday, 29 August 2013


So I'm back, once again. *hehe*
Ok, good news people. I've a total of 4 post to work on (including this post)

  1. My last day of school with le friends.
  2. 50 facts about myself!
  3. Weili's belated birthday celebration
  4. And lastly, the current one. ITE FIESTA @ ITE CC AMK
I'm having a hard time digging out pictures for this posr\t because I took A LOT of pictures. Just 3 days, my album are flooded with 300+ photos. Madness, and our teacher in charge just send us the pic for this event today. And to those who followed my twitter/instagram, you guys should know that is my last day of school for today but an hour times, I snapped 180 photos *superhero*

Moving on~ 

ITE FIESTA is on a Sunday, 25/08, is a sunday fyi :(.
We are supposed to reach at 0930, but angeline and I thought that we're suppose to meet at 9am. So we went to have our breakfast first. And I swear the food at koufu sucks big time la. The yongtaufoo really not meant for humans to eat ok. Still prefer central delights (another cafeteria at level 4, the food taste pretty good and is really cheap ok, the ayam penet and the wanton noodle really daebak uh)
I don't think is necessary to elaborate what happened on that day, the location and the picture will do the talking.
 (Modeling location: Blk C, Level 1, Lecture Hall 2)
Who the hell will know there's such place.I, myself can't even find this place at first. Tsk. You expect the public to know!? NO! 
Literally no one came, ok one or two person only la. But we choreograph the steps, then only one or two person came. Sigh pie, so we just kill time by taking selfie, "photoshoot".

Ya, selfie. Thanks to the hairservice student for the curl. (did the curl while having my breaktime.

Love this photo the most.

Leg Cramp. Lol, with angela nggggggggg. Hehe.

Found a staircase out of no where. Lol.

My dress that I kind of really like it a lot. Le ootd, with a hole at two side.

We decided to pose like a model, so we google it.. And this is the outcome...

Le me being drama mama. 

The wannabe 2NE1 version. Me being, bommie! 

Another version of me being sandara.

That's all. Lol, actually I got more, but I paiseh la. NO, because I look extremely hideous ok.

With Ms Ng.

With Ms Ho.

Another group photo with the the toilet *dont judge*

And then we bid goodbye. Ok, I'm getting lazy to type la. 
Have to be in school for catwalk training (another show on wed before my exam) then interview for industry attachment. After that, will be heading to ite cc for a swimming/studying session with pm. Ok, need to sleep now. 

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