Thursday, 8 August 2013

Peiming's 18th Birthday Celebration

Delay post for Peiming/s 18th Birthday. My mistake, totally forgotten about this. Lol, too stress up with school & IA is starting next month, wtf so fast right. I'm going to suffer for 9 weeks, it will be better if I can work like 12 hours a day to complete my IA ASAP, I DOUBT I GOT THE ENERGY TO DO SO.

Ok back to point. So is a 18th birthday celebration, just a simple birthday outing and dinner will do, we go the simplest way ever because "SIMPLEST IS THE BEST!!!" 

So the plan was supposed to be:
  • Going to adventure cove park on that day (the 3rd time we planned, still doesn't succeed due to stupid woman god damn blood) (we went before once w/o pm, that's why we are bringing her there on her birthday (advance birthday celebration, due to stupid school)
  • After adventure cove, we are planning to head over to bliss restaurant(chengsan cc) for dinner. Why did we even choose that place? Because
  1. We stay near there, so if we smash the cake on her, so much easier to bring her home and wash up.
  2. Because we keep celebrating under our block void deck, no creativity.
  3. Because we want to enjoy life for that short moment.
  4. The food is nice (according to my friend)
  5. Lastly, because the place is dark, so we can hide from her. (surprise element)
  • Then after dinner, give her all the presents, then bid goodbye as there's school tmr (school -.-)

So the actual day goes like that:
  • Woke up with a text knowing that two of our girls can't make it. Pfft. (Both kh & me really looking forward la) Tsk, and the funniest part was that we thought pm was playing a prank on us. So the argument of telling her not to play prank on us begins.
  • So we decided to head to JEM (newest shopping mall at Jurong East) (Oh ya, forgotten to mention that shimin is supposed to be absent from this trip because she need to get ready our present & the cake.
  • Meet at 1pm, oh well. Long train ride.........attached below is our group photo, thank you very much for viewing my photo <<< LOL WHATEVER. 

My makeup on that day was fabulous *flip hair*

 Ok, back to the topic.

  • It took around 45 mins to reach there, lucky got seats to sit. So we just hang around & decided to watch a movie, grown up 2 @ jcube. We are extremely shocked when we bought our popcorn, is huge! (I don't know whether you guys know, but IMAX have to best popcorn ever, the family combo, the popcorn is huge, x2 bigger than cathy(if you buy the small size) if you guys know, then errrrrrr, hi? LOL.
HUGE RIGHT *insert emoji shock face*

  • So after the show, went to bliss restaurant for dinner & surprise element. (the disadvantage was that the place is so dark that I've to use flashlight to take a photo (I DON'T LIKE FLASHLIGHT BECAUSE IS NOT "HEALTHY" FOR MY EYES) but it seems like my phone battery life can't seems to tahan my hotness, it died after taking my own selfie, PFFT! 

  • So a simple surprise and a birthday song and presents, end the night although our plan was screwed in the morning. Oh well, 


So the rest of the photos are selfie and photo with the girls. Lazy to elaborate more on the behind the scene, oops. 

always having individual shot with kh

Toodles, xoxo. click on my nuffnang.

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